
About Live Thrive



Create a community that cares about a healthy and sustainable environment.



Live Thrive’s mission is to empower people, organizations, communities and businesses to make positive, healthy and sustainable changes to the environment.

Live Thrive is an Atlanta-based nonprofit organization working since 2010 to create a community that cares about a healthy and sustainable environment. We started as a blog sharing sustainable efforts of individuals, communities and local businesses large and small.

To fulfill our mission, Live Thrive organized the city of Atlanta’s first household hazardous waste collection in September 2010. Attendance was well over 500 – diverting more than 75,000 pounds of waste from our water system and landfills. Over the next four years, Live Thrive organized nine additional events. Through these events, we realized the need for a permanent drop-off facility for these hard-to-recycle materials, and CHaRM was created.

How do we teach our children to conserve and preserve? Simple answer: start early and lead by example! Live Thrive is working to bring environmental education to all levels through the CHaRM facility.

It would not be possible to run the CHaRM facility without the support of volunteers and donations. Make your community a healthier place. Get involved!

CHaRM facility
Pamel Painting the CHaRM Mural
CHaRM Garden